

Informative 书 for Adults and Old Children
(suggested readings from the Family Go Guide!)

Arizona Game and 鱼部
1999 Arizona Wildlife Views: Special Edition. 菲尼克斯:亚利桑那比赛和 鱼部.
Filled with color photos and life histories of Arizona's birds (including a chapter on hummingbirds), lizards, snakes, amphibians, bats, and mammals.
2000 A 自然历史 of the Sonoran Desert. 图森:亚利桑那州索诺拉沙漠 新闻博物馆. Co-published with The University of California 新闻.
1993 Shrubs and Trees of the Southwest Deserts. 图森:西南公园 及古迹协会.
1998 红岩峡谷探险者号. 天赋,或:自然工作.
Each page includes an illustrated natural history story about geology, plants, animals and other wonders of canyonland country. 正面的书页填满了 有趣的相关事实. Although this book concerns the canyon environment north of the Sonoran Desert, many of the subjects are the same as or similar 和索诺兰沙漠的一样 .
1995 印第安人利用沙漠植物. 棕榈泉,加州:棕榈泉 Desert 博物馆.
Fifteen desert plants are pictured with text on how they are used by native people.
1999 响尾蛇! Palm 弹簧,: Nature Trails 新闻.
Answers to frequently asked questions
2000 仙人掌. Palm 弹簧,: Nature Trails 新闻.
Answers to frequently asked questions.
1997 The Sonoran Desert: A Brief 历史. 棕榈泉,加州:棕榈泉 世界杯app软件推荐.
An introduction to the natural history and features that make the Sonoran Desert different from other North American deserts.
1993 蝎子! Palm Springs 世界杯app软件推荐, 101 博物馆 Drive, Palm 弹簧,.
A 28 page booklet giving answers to frequently asked scorpion questions.
1995 Wild Foods of the Sonoran Desert. 图森:亚利桑那州索诺拉沙漠 博物馆 新闻.
22 page colorful booklet tells of the native uses of desert plants.
1985 Flowers of the Southwest Deserts. 图森:西南公园和 Monuments 协会.
花是按颜色排列的. Line drawings, descriptions, and uses by native 包括人在内.
1993 萨瓜罗国家公园. 图森:西南公园和 古迹协会.
An introduction to the land of the saguaro, including prehistory, recent history, 地质,植物和动物.
1998 Desert Life, A Vocabulary/Vida Desertica, Vocabulario. 图森:Arizona-Sonora 世界杯app软件推荐出版社.
English-Spanish and Spanish-English translations for hundreds of natural history words with the emphasis on Sonoran Desert 条款.
图森野生动物观赏指南. 图森市: Arizona Game and Fish Heritage 基金.
14 sites in and around 图森 where we can see wildlife.
1997 Strangers in our Midst: The Startling World of Sonoran Desert Arthropods. 图森市: 亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐 新闻.
22 page colorful booklet tells about the desert's insects, arachnids, and other 虾的生物.
1995 Poisonous Dwellers of the Desert. 图森:西南公园和 Monuments 协会.
Descriptions and habits of the common venomous animals (and those mistaken for venomous) of our desert, plus information on treatment of bites, stings, etc.
Hanson, Jonathan and Roseann Beggy Hanson
1996 Desert Dogs: Coyotes, Foxes and Wolves. 图森:亚利桑那州索诺拉沙漠 新闻博物馆.
22 page colorful booklet tells about coyotes, foxes, and wolves.
1996 南亚利桑那自然年鉴. 科罗拉多州博尔德:普鲁特出版公司 公司.
A seasonal guide to Pima County and beyond. Each chapter covers a month's worth of natural happenings you are likely to experience.
1997 《世界杯app软件推荐》. 伯克利:十速出版社.
Information, lore, legend, life cycle, and native uses of the saguaro.
1980 Sonoran Desert - The Story Behind the Scenery. 拉斯维加斯:KC出版社.
1997 关于萨瓜罗斯的一切. 凤凰城:亚利桑那州高速公路.
An Arizona Highways magazine size publication with many photos, life history, and interesting facts about the saguaro.
1994 关于沙漠生活的101个问题. 图森:西南公园和 Monuments 协会.
1998 Desert Waters: From Ancient Aquifers to Modern Demands. 图森. Arizona-Sonora 世界杯app软件推荐出版社.
22 page colorful booklet tells of water use from ancient aquifers to modern demands.
1998 亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐 Book of Answers. 图森:Arizona-Sonora 世界杯app软件推荐出版社.
1995 The Secret Lives of Hummingbirds. 图森:亚利桑那州索诺拉沙漠 新闻博物馆.
22 page colorful booklet tells about the natural history of hummingbirds.
Nabhan, Gary Paul
1986 仙人掌: A View of 仙人掌 National Monument & 图森盆地. 图森市: Southwest Parks 及古迹协会.
1994 House in the Sun: A 自然历史 of the Sonoran Desert. 图森市: Southwest Parks 及古迹协会.
The Sonoran Desert is the "house in the sun.“长期的博物学家, George Olin, explores the many facets of its ecological story.
1982 Mammals of the Southwest Deserts. 图森:西南公园和 古迹协会.
1989 亚利桑那州的有毒动物. 图森市: University of Arizona, College 农业.
An excellent reference for identification of venomous arthropods and reptiles and plus informaion about the animals often mistaken for being dangerous.
Susan J.
1992 The Great Southwest Nature Factbook. Bothell, WA:阿拉斯加西北部 书.
1995 狂野的西南. Seattle: Graphic 艺术 Center Publishing 公司.
学习 about the plants, animals, human cultures, and natural features of Arizona, New Mexico, southern Utah and Colorado, and west Texas.
1994 学习ing About and Living with Insects of the Southwest. 图森市: 费雪的书.
Describes and illust利率 over 120 of the most common arthropods likely to share 你的家和邻居.

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