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Extended Entries to the ASDM Scrapbook

William H. Carr

The desert spoke. Bill Carr listened-and acted. We have all benefited.

Black and white photo of Bill Car

William H. 卡尔是东部人,后来才来到沙漠, after having already completed one distinguished career. He was reared in Flushing, Long Island, an only child, 他对自然史的兴趣是受他母亲的影响. Bill's father was a school principal, 但他的早逝使他不得不从高中辍学,在17岁时找了一份工作.

Bill was a dedicated Boy Scout, achieving Eagle Scout rank, 夏天在熊山的童子军营地担任自然顾问. A chance meeting with Benjamin Talbot Babbitt Hyde, 他是一名活跃的童子军,也是美国自然历史博物馆的雇员, led in 1919 to Bill Carr's introduction to volunteer work, 后来在那个机构的教育部门工作.

博物馆是比尔·卡尔的学院,他从博物馆和那里的科学家那里吸收知识, becoming a self-educated individual. 最后,他被任命为这所著名学府的教育副馆长.

In 1926 after several years of working at the museum, 卡尔有机会在熊山公园建立一个实验性的户外教育项目. 时间会证明,这个项目和这个人是天造地设的.

在接下来的18年里,卡尔致力于建立和监督贝尔山的自然小径和路边博物馆. 两英里长的人行道上散布着五个小的路边博物馆,它们的展品诠释了周围的自然环境. These were the first facilities of their kind-an outdoor, living museum established to interpret the animals, plants, 和某一特定区域的地质情况,并且是持续使用的最古老的此类设施.

Bill later wrote of that experience, "I learned first-hand, and not without pain, every lesson then available of attracting, educating, 处理参观或光顾博物馆和自然展览的公众." Those lessons would serve him well in Tucson.

由于身体不好,比尔被建议去找一个更干燥的气候. He left his treasured Bear Mountain and, 他在杂志上读到一篇关于图森市的文章,给他留下了深刻的印象, in 1944 he moved to the desert with, as he later described it, "four suitcases and $400."

比尔是一位多产的自然历史文章作者,他继续写这些文章, 开了一家经营稀有自然历史的小书店, science, and southwestern history books, and became active in local environmental causes. Carr later wrote that having arrived in Tucson, "From the first I was enchanted by the desert, 然而,让我震惊的是,无论是在当地民众还是在全国层面上,人们似乎都对它缺乏了解.他认为有必要成立一家类似于贝尔斯山的机构, 但没有足够的资金来实现他的想法.

1951年卡尔和亚瑟·帕克的一次偶然相遇,以及皮马县的困境 关于图森山公园的山屋物业的使用,开放了 在这个倡议的推动下,亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐得以建立 of Carr and Pack. 这就是比尔·卡尔户外教育事业的下一个阶段 launched.

1954年9月,由于疲惫和健康状况不佳,卡尔不得不辞去馆长一职,亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐正式成立. 第二年,他担任了博物馆的顾问,并在那里建立了新的展览, including the Tunnel and Water Street, U.S.A. 他在博物馆董事会任职多年, 在他的余生中,他一直在为博物馆提供建议和宣传, and carried the titles Co-Founder and Director Emeritus.

卡尔和帕克第二次合作,建立了幽灵牧场博物馆, patterned along lines similar to the Desert Museum, near Abiquiu, New Mexico. It opened in 1959. 对于这个博物馆,卡尔也有联合创始人和名誉主任的头衔.

Although he never graduated from high school, 比尔·卡尔在哥伦比亚大学教授了第一门正式的大学户外教育课程. 他被任命为查尔斯·拉斯罗普·帕克林业基金会的副总裁. He wrote more than a hundred articles and five books. The latter included "The Desert Speaks,这本书讲述了世界杯app软件推荐的建立和发展,经历了几个版本, and his longer history of the Desert Museum, "Pebbles in Your Shoes."

Carr's awards included: The American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society medal in 1938; an Honorary Life Member award from the American Forestry Association in 1959; the Distinguished Service Award from the University of Arizona; Wildlife Conservationist of the Year for the State of New Mexico in 1966; and an Honorary Life Member award from the American Museum of Natural History in 1960.

世界杯app软件推荐的隧道展览是由比尔·卡尔发起的,也是他最喜欢的成就之一. Originally opened in 1957, 这条隧道在1978年之前一直是一个很受欢迎的展览,但由于磨损不得不关闭. In 1989, 翻新后的隧道被重新命名为“地下生命”,以纪念威廉·H. Carr. 在比尔·卡尔的心目中,所有受博物馆影响的人的教育始终是最重要的。1980年,他荣幸地在威廉·H·卡尔世界杯app软件推荐成立. Carr Interpretive Naturalist Position.

William Woodin, who helped Bill Carr establish the Museum, became Director after Carr, and worked with Bill over many years, 将比尔·卡尔描述为“一个完全奉献和无限想象力的人,是户外教育概念的真正先驱。."

A later Desert Museum Director, Dan Davis, wrote of Carr in a memorial after his death, October 25, 1985, “很少有人能像比尔给世界留下那样的遗产. 他是一位真正的先驱,是博物学解释的领导者. 他关于户外、地域诠释的想法在世界杯app软件推荐得到了集中体现. Those ideas have taken hold throughout the world. Bill Carr was one of a kind."

比尔要求将他的骨灰撒在世界杯app软件推荐的场地上,菲比·帕克说. “他曾经说过,他想在沙漠里的博物馆里休息,因为它是他的一部分."
